
Re: Film Festival Reflection

Cost of a Soul! Oh, how the chills begin! Well those who saw "Cost of a Soul", really say that it's been one great movie, from one great independent film director. Those who aren't recognizable with the film "Cost of a soul" would be in the category of Film Noir/Crime/Modern-Gangster movie. The movie was overall great, I really did get the movie from start to finish, and it wouldn't be great without all the people just being they're BAD-ASS self. Yes, even the little girl, she was the best! "Cost of a Soul" can connect to a lot of the films we studied, but mostly about all of the film techniques, and the actors actually as well. There was a-lot of Invisible Editing, the editing would be natural, you wouldn't really know if they are just depicting a shot or just making it feel normal and just go with the flow of the characters. There was a bit of Method Acting coming from the main character, he really hit the spot for just acting as he would in the movie and then become as a normal person in modern life. There was also a part that the "old lady" stuck up to me, on how she really isn't a true actor after all, she actually went through the times with her family relatives that have been close to her in real life, and that reminded me a bit of Italian Neo-Realism in a way. I would give a bit of improvements, and a bit of work in the field of film. The suitcase would be just a bit to cheezy, we would actually get the same reaction with the suitcase in "Pup Fiction". Now don't get me started the Suitcase really means a lot, but the fact of the whole suitcase just tips the scale of "TOO MUCH!". For the actors, well there wasn't really that much of an improvement, they all made great progress with the type of film. Overall, this film was great! It really got me at the edge of my seat in some scenes, and I LOVED IT! I give the movie 4 ½ "ANGRY SHOOTING GRANNY'S" out of 5!

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