
Re: Cinema in Iran

Rite now, everybody knows that Iran is in a bad shape, with all of the wars, and the plans of Al-Queda and the Taliban's of the middle east. I too know that they mostly have alot, and alot of fields, but I personally did know they had cinema, but in reality I thought they weren't that popular.

Five things that I learned was that they have a life like an average person does. They have the same kind of food as we do. They are mostly poor. Some of the people are very friendly, and how they face life without that much technology unlike the United States.

Re: Dogme vs. Italian Neorealism


  1. All filming must be done on location. All props &sets can not be brought on location. If a particular prop is necessary for the story, a location must be chosen where this prop is to be found.
  2. Sound can not be produced, it must be real.
  3. You must use a hand held camera, and it cannot stand still.
  4. Only natural light. Only, if necessary, use ONE lamp connected to the camera.
  5. Optical work and filters are forbidden.
  6. The film must not contain superficial action
  7. Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden (that is to say that the film takes place here and now).
  8. Must not have a genre.
  9. The final picture must be transferred to the Academy 35mm film, with an aspect ratio of 4:3, that is, not widescreen.
  10. The director must not be credited.
This is very different from neorealism because not only is it reality, but it is also very strict and has lost of qualities of a low budget film would have


Re: Satire

The funniest shows that have satire that I have seen would be Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, and some Family Guy. Some great Satire shows would be Mad TV, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and of course the genius of Lewis Blacks' Root of all Evil.

Satire seems to be like a way to talk about a subject and just exaggerate on just the random options of what would happen. It usually revolves around the subject of Parody, Incongruity, and Exaggeration.


Re: Italian Neo-Realism

The origin of Italian Neo-Realism is in Italy when Mussolini got Italy under his power. After World War II, Mussolini was a Facist leader and it was a totalitarian government back then. The Films of Italy show us, "the Amuricans", that we have a paradise of the world and it shows that everyone wants to live in it. It portrays that Americans lives are peaceful. People were shown the glories of their 'roman' past. The movie of Italy doesn't want to show Fascism and promote Socialism.

The American influences for them was used for films, like film techniques, high angles, low angles, and a lot of other important film techniques.

Re: International Cinema vs. Hollywood Cinema

Hollywood Movies:
- The General
- Modern Times
- His Girl Friday
- Double Indemnity
- Casablanca
- Citizen Kane
- Angels w/ Dirty Faces
- It's a Wonderful Life
- On the Waterfront
- Rebel without a cause

International Movies
- Arrival At a Train Station
- A trip to the Moon
- Battleship Potemkin
- Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- Metropolis
- The Last Laugh

Well, both of the Cinemas have great and some have understandable story lines. Only international movies have less restrictions. The acting styles are pretty much the same, how the character is portrayed, and how good he plays his part. The differences are that the stories don't end the same, and the heroes are more or less different than the average hero is.


Re: Method Acting

Method Acting is probably not the well known acting, but its known and used by actors. There's nothing different for using method acting. Relaxing helps the actor to reach a higher state of concentration, to help themselves in what they are focused for. Sense of memory helps recall certain senses that reminds actors and/or actresses of objects and experiences, such as bumps, scratches, curves, or any other detail they feel in the object they are focusing on. The emotional memory is used by actors to sense memory to recall emotional experiences. Characterization seems to be key in the set of exercises that help actors become more of a believable character, this will truly help them on what they have to do in a scene and/or in a performance in the scene and/or play.


Re: Marlon Brando

Marlon Brando, is possibly never mind cross that the best actor ever to be on the face of the eaohth'. There are a lot of examples my friend of him being his 'badass' self and making those hollywood corporation puppies purr like a walrus. Well there is a part in the movie of On the Waterfront that takes acting to a whole new level, like the scene where Edie and Terry are in the town park and Edie seems to drop her glove (which was an accident but was then taped) and just like the good ole' Marlon he takes the scene a bit more serious and to show his intimacy with Edie, he gets her dropped glove and puts it on. Great scene am I rite or what? Mr. Schrieber come on man, why would we compare the great bambino' to second class actors like Will Ferrel and that other guy, whats his name? Oh yeah! Tom Cruise. In conclusion my friend this great man has served the acting, movie, and mafia' business and needs to be credited for. Thanks Brando for those 80 years of you man, you deserve it!