
When I Met You

When i met you, i didn't know what else to think just beauty at its limits. It was funny how you and me were talking about how we would be so happy together, you got happy so i got happy. You were telling me all these questions that i have not heard of, and it made me L♥VE YOU even more. I would have dreams of us together. Till' the day i finally got the guts to ask you out I was amazed of what you said; "yes!". I was so happy, i felt like the king of the world for having you in my heart. But it teared me apart when you gave me the note. It turned me from the king of the world; to the fool that the world laughs at. It was horrifying for me to hear it. But it was really amazing how you still said if i am mad at you. I said no, because i knew how much i still liked you, even though you still crushed my heart. Well i wish you could read this Bertha.

love Bert

English Handbook Questions

1. The Heading goes in the upper left corner. Student name, teacher name, subject, and date

2. She had huge dark glasses, and well no one recognized her

3. The fused sentence has no punctuation between the two complete sentences. That's the difference

4. Listing, combining sentences with a "conjunction" [FANBOYS]

5. To link two thoughts together with the semicolon

6. Spell out numbers ninety-nine and below

7. yes they are underlined

8. Affect means change. Change is to make or become different

9. There: describing where something is. Their: possessive form. They're: they are

10. To express parallel elements in the same grammatical form

The Last Meow

1. She has kidney problems. She gets dialysis, and the total cost would be over 15,000$

2. The owner is a very caring person. She would do anything for her pet.

3. The veterenarian seems very caring and proffesional. She is very good at knowing what is good for Lady's treatment

4. He sounds that he doesn't really want to do it but his heart and instinct is telling him to do it for the sake of love

5. Part B talks about hows Shawn and his wife are doing what it takes for their cat and for what they think should be done

Buster Keaton

1. Buster Keaton got his start in a vaudeville act. Family and Vaudeville influenced his development by helping him in his acting.

2. The uniqueness about Keatons comedy is that he is more of a realistic actor. Chaplin is more like a comic guy. Like if Chaplin kicks someones butt, he keeps on kicking it, and if Keaton kicks some butt his foot gets hurt by just the first blow.

3. Keaton is more realistic and Chaplin is more comical

4. He got fired from MGM, he was washed up in films, he was divorced by vindictive Natalie Talmadge, he lost his huge mansion, his children, his career, and his life by being an alcoholic.


The Crucible Thesis Statements

In the story The Crucible by Arthur Miller, reputation is a very big deal to the people

in Salem. This is a very true thesis, i believe this as well. This is a decent one, it tells you about the book, and shows what they are talking about. I might have used this next to the quote, its hooks a little bit but also it tells how puritan life was typically lived.

The play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller is all about reputation. Not quite as true of the last one, the story is not all revolved around reputation, reputation plays a big part in the puritan life, however. This wasn't as good as the others, it is in a way wrong. The puritan life style was not only revolved around reputation, and the book, The Crucible was also not revolved around only reputation. I don't think i would have used this one at all. Its a bit inaccurate.


Metropolis and Modern Times Quotes

"Modern Times" was Charlie's first film after five years of hibernation in the 1930's.

I go to a lot of movies, and I can't remember the last time I heard a paying audience actually applaud at the end of the film.

He has proved his greatness in every possible way.

A lot of movies are said to be timeless, but somehow in their immortality they fail to draw audiences.

One of the many remarkable things about Charlie Chaplin is that his films continue to hold up, to attract and delight audiences.

The movie has a plot that defines common sense.

Lang develops this story with scenes of astonishing originality.

Much of what we see in "Metropolis" doesn't exist except in visual trickery.

``Metropolis'' employed vast sets, 25,000 extras and astonishing special effects to create two worlds: the great city of Metropolis, with its stadiums, skyscrapers and expressways in the sky, and the subterranean workers' city, where the clock face shows 10 hours to cram another day into the workweek

And the device of the ``false Maria,'' the robot who looks like a human being, inspired the ``Replicants'' of ``Blade Runner.'' Even Rotwang's artificial hand was given homage in ``Dr. Strangelove.''

Parallel Sequencing of Modern Times and Metropolis

The movie Metropolis is very interesting. Its a silent film movie, and its in black and white. It is a Science Fiction film, and at that time science fiction was very new to the up and coming movie genres. The main character is Joh Frederer. He is trying to figure out the social crisis between workers and the owners in capitalism. The film stars Freder as the leader of the city, Joh as his son, who tries to mediate between the elite caste and the workers.

Then there is the movie Modern Times. Went it came to the big screen, everyone knew that it would be funny. This film is a Comedy which made everyone laugh, and laugh and well laugh. The film is a comment on the desperate employment and fiscal conditions many people faced during the Great Depression, conditions created, in Chaplin's view, by the efficiencies of modern industrialization. The movie stars Chaplin.


Integrated Comparison of Metropolis, Modern Times

Metropolis and Modern Times are tow very different movies, but they both have similarities. The similarities between both of them is that they were made possibly at the sametime, both of them show workers and factories. but Metropolis and Modern Times are two different genre types, as in Metropolis is a science fiction and Modern Times is comedy. The acting in both movies are very realistic but Modern times makes it seem like that they do the acting on accident.

Re: Review of Roots Poem

Acting is alright
But without Audio its tight
You could give credit to Chaplin
He could never dictate, they thought he was a goblin
Maybe I should start Graphing
So you could start locking
He never got a manicure
And a pedicure
He motivated many
He made the population do Cacophony
He exported laughter all over the world
He never likes signing or else he will hurl
He always speculated
Once got trapped in a tractor, and he almost got beheaded
He got it on video, it was refined
And It revolved around the human mind


Star Wars and D.W. Griffith

George Lucas uses many film techniques like cross cutting, building suspense, special effects, close ups, long shots, and medium shots, and some low keys as well. George Lucas compared to D.W. Griffith is quite the same but at the time that Lucas made Star Wars they had more editing technique and a lot of money in to the foundation of the first early Star Wars movie, but D.W. Griffith did not have that much money, but he did have good close ups and overall good Cross Cutting techniques.


Re: Comedy

My type of comedy movie would be the Mexican Cinema kind. Like Cantinflas. I love physical comedies. I have not really seen any British Comedies, but I have heard that they are very funny. Yes, I do like comedies with stunts. No, I don't really get why they make teen movies because they are just saying " Hey do this and you might just get laid :D ", and I just do not get them. The thing that really makes me laugh would be just physical comedy, and just like saying funny phrases.


Re: Favorite Movie in the Last Month

One of my favorite movies from last month that I have seen would be, El Orfanato. They use a little bit of light but not that much. It has a lot of similarities with German Expressionism, like how they use Chiaroscuro in a lot of scenes. The set was actually in a Orphanage in Mexico. The Acting was very realistic, showed a lot of emotion and tense. Overall, it was a kick-ass movie!


Re: Science Fiction

Some Science Fiction movies I have seen up to this point are Star Wars, Star Trek, the 5th Element, Blade Runner, Destination Moon, The Road Warrior, 2001: A Space Odyssey, ET, Minority Report, and Gattaca. Some characters are just simple, and some are just plain weird.

Re: Are Ideas Worth a Life?

The only idea that is worth a life is practically just Freedom. Its plain and simple. Without freedom we would probably live in a communist government. Without Freedom, we would not have political systems or religious rights, or even have an option to do something.


Re: Quickwrite 9/3/09

If my apartment complex would burn down I would probably move to Mexico, because i have more family over there than here, and I have a house that I could stay there.


German Expressionism

The Germans had a very unique way to express their feelings through just a camera and a few cuts of film strips. They really were sort of addicted to making Terror Movies, Horror Movies, and well movies that will just shock you and soil your pants in some occasions. Some good examples would be Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, and Metropolis.

Re: Quest

1. Analyzing a Novel
2. Here Follow Some Verses Upon The Burning of Our House, July 10, 1666
3. Spiritually connecting to him
4. Plenos Poderes
5. To not tell the things straight forward
6. Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell old pharaoh
To let my people go
7. "Theor"
8. Give complete work information and work experience about yourself
9. Prewriting, Writing, Revising, Publishing
10. Stay Calm. Track Your Time, and Master the Directions